"You may find yourself parting ways with your career. You may buy a train ticket to another place. No one will ever blame you, but the performance bug can stay with you even after your dream has changed or evolved. Moving On will help keep that bug alive and strong, after you’ve mastered it and set it down for something else." ~Ari Loeb

“It can be overwhelming when we are trying to figure out where to begin again, but Moving On allows me to transition into new things and stay true to my artistic passions. With Moving On I can clearly set new goals and not feel like I am abandoning my past.” ~Sarah Nachbauer

"Having spent most of my career working dually as a Designer and a Stagehand, I had the opportunity to see hundreds of projects from conception to creation. With the growth of my career came responsibilities that led me away from the studio ultimately leaving me feeling imbalanced. Moving On has given me the space and opportunity to create again from conception through to performance. Whether it's for 1 show or 100 shows Moving On is a great place for Artists returning to their craft or for those just taking hiatus from their current practice...WE ART!" ~Lou Albruzzese

"Once I started my acupuncture career, I had little to no time to dance at all. My technique suffered but most of all, my heart suffered. Moving On has given me the space to dance again and explore a whole new way of performing. One which incorporates my past with my present." ~Andrea Cillo

"At a certain point in our lives, the reality of sustaining our artistic passion can land us at a crossroads. As artists, we all thrive off of sharing what our hearts and minds must express. We can only hope that what we have to share will change someone’s day or someone’s life. And then, we have our own survival to maintain. Have you wished there could be a place to express your language freely, honestly, and creatively while taking an incredible life changing jump? MOVING ON does just that. And they offer new opportunities to share the piece of you that should never be packed in the closet. " Jaime Verazin